Every staff member has an absolute duty to report any reasonable suspicion of child abuse, molestation, neglect or sexual misconduct to the appropriate county child protective services hotline. The child protective agency will determine the accuracy of the report.
Child Protective Services Hotlines
- Clackamas County | 503.657.6802
- Clark County | 360.993.7900
- Multnomah County | 503.731.3100
- Washington County | 503.681.6917
- Department of Human Services | 503.998.4567
- U.S. Center for Safe Sport (ONLY for teams with national governing body like USA Swimming - call in addition to county agency within 24 hours) | 720.531.0340
To ensure that the YMCA of Columbia-Willamette staff and volunteers report any suspicion of abuse of any child who participates in programs at the YMCA of Columbia-Willamette. The YMCA of Columbia-Willamette Child Care Division and YMCA Camp Collins are Mandatory Reporters of suspected abuse per Oregon and Washington regulations. All YMCA of Columbia-Willamette staff and volunteers are required to report suspected abuse as described in this policy per YMCA of Columbia-Willamette policy. Failure to report child abuse may be grounds for termination of employment or volunteer status.
Under the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 (“Safe Sport Act”) any adult who is authorized to interact with youth athletes, including staff and volunteers, is a mandatory reporter. There is an additional requirement for teams governed by National Governing Bodies (“NGB”), that staff and volunteers report suspicions of child abuse, including emotional, physical and sexual abuse, to the U.S. Centerfor SafeSport as well as local agencies. Suspicions of abuse in youth sports where there is no NGB must be reported to the appropriate county number above or law enforcement. There is a 24-hour requirement for reporting. Neither civil nor criminal statutes of limitation apply to reports of cases of sexual abuse under the SafeSport Act. There shall be no retaliation against any individual who has made a good faith report. Reasonable procedures will be established to limit one-on-one interactions between the adults and minors. Consistent training on prevention and reporting of child abuse shall be provided to all adult staff and volunteers, and minor staff and volunteers with parental consent, who are in regular contact with minor amateur athletes.
All employees and volunteers working with children will undergo criminal background checks. Child Care staff and volunteers will be enrolled in the appropriate State criminal history registry.
Please note that our YMCA serves communities in Oregon and Washington and that state licensing definitions of abuse may vary. In addition, the Safe Sport Act may have additional criteria for reporting. Below are the Oregon definitions and some links for finding additional information. If you need assistance, please contact your supervisor or risk management.
Any assault of a child and physical injury to a child that is not accidental,
including any injury that appears to be at variance with the explanation of the injury given.
Neglect occurs when adults responsible for the wellbeing of a child fail to provide
adequate food, clothing, shelter, supervision or medical care.
Abandonment and Mental Injury
Abandonment is parental behavior showing intent to permanently give up all rights and claims to a child. Mental injury is cruelty that results in substantial impairment of a child’s mental or psychological ability to function and includes: rejecting, abandoning, extensive ridiculing, terrorizing, threatening extreme punishment against the child or his/her pets or possessions, extreme ignoring, isolating, exposing to violence, corrupting by teaching inappropriate behavior in areas such as aggression, sexuality or substance abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse occurs when a person uses or attempts to use a child
for their own sexual gratification. This includes incest, rape, sodomy, sexual penetration, fondling, voyeurism, etc.
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual exploitation is using children in a sexually explicit way for personal gain e.g. to make money, to obtain food stamps or drugs, or to gain status. It also includes using children in prostitution and using children to create pornography.
Threat of Harm
Threat of harm is subjecting a child to a substantial risk of harm to her/his health or welfare. Substantial harm is defined as immobilizing, impairment, life threatening damage, or significant or acute injury to a child’s physical, sexual, psychological or mental development and/or functioning.
Buying or Selling a Child
This includes buying, selling or trading for legal or physical custody of a child. It does not include legitimate adoptions or domestic relations planning.
- A staff member or volunteer may never be alone with a child in an area or location where they cannot be observed by another staff member or volunteer.
- At no time will children be left unsupervised. This includes locker rooms, bathrooms or showers.
- Each site of operation (on/off site) will have access to a telephone during all
operating hours.
- Staff members and volunteers will not initiate contact or accept supervisory
responsibility with participant children outside of YMCA of Columbia-Willamette programs or activities. This includes babysitting, weekend trips, carpooling, social media, email, etc. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- Staff behavior or disciplinary actions with children must avoid all abuse actions.
- Constructive methods must be used for maintaining group control and handling individual behavior.
- Corporal punishment and other humiliating or frightening techniques are strictly prohibited.
- Punishment must not be associated with food, rest, isolation or toilet training.
- The YMCA of Columbia-Willamette believes in parental involvement in all programs. Custodial parents are encouraged to visit programs at any time without prior notice.
- Under NO circumstance will YMCA of Columbia-Willamette staff release children to anyone other than the authorized parent(s), legal guardian(s) or an individual authorized by parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in writing.
Sign in and sign out sheets are maintained on a daily basis in programs where parents are not present during the duration of the program. These sign in and sign out sheets are kept on file for a duration of licensing period (if applicable) or a minimum of (3) years.
- Full signatures and initials of those authorized to pick up children are on file.
- Each time a child reports to a program, staff will inquire about any observed illness, injury, or concern about the child’s emotional state.
- The YMCA of Columbia-Willamette Child Care Division and YMCA Camp Collins are recognized as Mandatory Reporters under State guidelines. The YMCA of Columbia-Willamette requires all staff and volunteers to report suspected abuse immediately to the Child Protective Services hotline.
- Staff and volunteers will report suspected abuse when there is a reasonable cause to believe that abuse may have occurred. This requires a good faith determination that abuse may have occurred based on facts reasonably believed to be true.
- Child Abuse is of special concern of the YMCA of Columbia-Willamette because of the organization's role in promoting personal growth and development of children and families.
- YMCA of Columbia-Willamette takes seriously ALL allegations of child abuse.
- You are required to provide your name to the Child Protective Services Hotline staff. The name of the reporter shall be entered into the record of the report but shall be held confidential.
- The staff member will immediately report the incident to his/her supervisor or senior management.
- The staff member will immediately report the abuse to the appropriate county Child Protective Services Hotline.
- The staff member will not delay in reporting the alleged abuse.
- The staff member will note the abuse report # and hotline counselor name and ID number on incident report.
- The direct supervisor or appropriate management level will report incident to the proper specialist, who will communicate with appropriate parties such as insurers, law enforcement, etc,. Appropriate leadership will determine the next steps to be taken.
- A designate YMCA of Columbia-Willamette spokesperson will prepare responses to any inquiries by media or the public. Please do not reply to any media inquiries.
- Staff members are not to investigate. Child Protective Services, senior staff, risk management and additional advisors, as needed, will determine what investigative course of action is followed.
- The alleged abuse will be immediately reported to the appropriate Child Protective Services Hotline, the staff member or volunteer's supervisor or senior manager on duty at the time the report was taken.
- Note the abuse report # and hotline counselor name and ID number on incident report.
- The Executive Director or designee will contact the Human Resources Director and Risk Management and/or CFO and immediately place the staff member or volunteer on administrative leave pending the completion of an investigation by the appropriate agency.
- A designate YMCA of Columbia-Willamette spokesperson will prepare responses to any inquiries by media or the public. Please do not reply to any media inquiries.
- The direct supervisor or appropriate management level will report incident to the proper specialist, who will communicate with appropriate parties such as insurers, law enforcement, etc,. Appropriate leadership will determine the next steps to be taken.
- Staff members are not to investigate. Child Protective Services, senior staff, risk management, human resources and additional advisors, as needed, will determine what investigative course of action is followed.
All YMCA of Columbia-Willamette staff and volunteers shall cooperate fully with the Child Protective Services or Law Enforcement investigation, including providing all necessary background information to the agency investigator or their designee. The YMCA of Columbia-Willamette will work with the Child Protective Services agency as all our responsibilities are for the common goal of child safety and wellbeing.
All staff and volunteers are required to acknowledge their legal and ethical duty to report suspected abuse.
By my signature at the end, I acknowledge the YMCA of Columbia-Willamette’s commitment to protecting children and youth from all forms of abuse and the importance of reporting suspected abuse. I have read the YMCA of Columbia-Willamette policy regarding mandatory reporting and agree to follow its guidelines and requirements.